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Papua New Guinea

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Country code PG
Country code (3 digit) PNG
Continent Oceania
Flight Information Regions
Airports 537
Size 467,150 km2

Airports in Papua New Guinea

Sorted by ICAO code or airport identifier, first all airports with a METAR

AYGMGema AirstripPort Moresby FIRGemaSmall airport
AYGNGurney AirportGURPort Moresby FIRGurneyMidsized airport
AYGOGokto AirstripPort Moresby FIRGoktoSmall airport
AYGPGusap AirportGAPPort Moresby FIRGusapSmall airport
AYGQGawa AirstripPort Moresby FIRGawaSmall airport
AYGRGirua AirportPNPPort Moresby FIRPopondettaMidsized airport
AYGSGasuke AirportGBCPort Moresby FIRGasukeSmall airport
AYGWGuwasa AirportPort Moresby FIRGuwasaSmall airport
AYGYGuavi AirstripPort Moresby FIRGuaviSmall airport
AYHAHaia AirportPort Moresby FIRSmall airport
AYHBHabi AirportHBDPort Moresby FIRHabiSmall airport
AYHEHeiweni AirportHNIPort Moresby FIRHeiweniSmall airport
AYHHHoninabi AirportHNNPort Moresby FIRHoninabiSmall airport
AYHJHewa AirstripPort Moresby FIRHewaSmall airport
AYHKHoskins AirportHKNPort Moresby FIRHoskinsMidsized airport
AYHLHesalibi AirstripPort Moresby FIRHesalibiSmall airport
AYHNHabina AirstripPort Moresby FIRHabinaSmall airport
AYHOHaivaro AirportHITPort Moresby FIRHaivaroSmall airport
AYHQHauna AirstripPort Moresby FIRHaunaSmall airport
AYHTHotmin AirstripPort Moresby FIRHotmin MissionSmall airport
AYHWHaewenai AirstripPort Moresby FIRHaewenaiSmall airport
AYHXHerowena AirstripPort Moresby FIRHerowanaSmall airport
AYHYHuya AirstripPort Moresby FIRHuyaSmall airport
AYIBIbil AirstripPort Moresby FIRIbilSmall airport
AYIIImane AirportIMNPort Moresby FIRImaneSmall airport
AYIMKungim AirportKGMPort Moresby FIRKungimSmall airport
AYINBusilmin AirstripPort Moresby FIRBusilminSmall airport
AYIOImonda AirportIMDPort Moresby FIRImondaSmall airport
AYIPIropena AirstripPort Moresby FIRIropenaSmall airport
AYIQAropa AirportKIEPort Moresby FIRKietaSmall airport
AYIRInaru AirstripPort Moresby FIRInaruSmall airport
AYISIsan AirstripPort Moresby FIRIsanSmall airport
AYITIteri AirstripPort Moresby FIRIteriSmall airport
AYIUIalibu AirportIALPort Moresby FIRIalibuSmall airport
AYIXWitu AirportWIUPort Moresby FIRGarove IslandSmall airport
AYJEYomneri AirstripPort Moresby FIRYomneriSmall airport
AYJOYongai AirportKGHPort Moresby FIRYongaiSmall airport
AYKALosuia AirportLSAPort Moresby FIRLosuiaSmall airport
AYKGKopiago AirportKPAPort Moresby FIRKopiagoSmall airport
AYKIKiunga AirportUNGPort Moresby FIRKiungaSmall airport
AYKJKanainj AirportKNEPort Moresby FIRKanainjSmall airport
AYKKKikori AirportKRIPort Moresby FIRKikoriSmall airport
AYKLKafle AirstripPort Moresby FIRKafleSmall airport
AYKMKerema AirportKMAPort Moresby FIRKeremaMidsized airport
AYKNKubuna AirstripPort Moresby FIRKubuna MissionSmall airport
AYKRKar Kar AirportKRXPort Moresby FIRKar Kar IslandSmall airport
AYKUKuri AirportKUQPort Moresby FIRKuriSmall airport
AYKVKavieng AirportKVGPort Moresby FIRKaviengMidsized airport
AYKYLondolovit AirportLNVPort Moresby FIRLondolovitSmall airport
AYKZKairiru AirstripPort Moresby FIRKairiru IslandSmall airport
Showing 51-100 of 547 items.