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Papua New Guinea

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Country code PG
Country code (3 digit) PNG
Continent Oceania
Flight Information Regions
Airports 537
Size 467,150 km2

Airports in Papua New Guinea

Sorted by ICAO code or airport identifier, first all airports with a METAR

AYZBSibilanga AirstripPort Moresby FIRSibilanga MissionSmall airport
AYZMWasum AirportWUMPort Moresby FIRWasumSmall airport
AYZQSopise AirstripPort Moresby FIRSopiseSmall airport
AYZUOum AirstripPort Moresby FIROumClosed
AYZWSiawi AirstripPort Moresby FIRSiawiSmall airport
AYZYYilui AirstripPort Moresby FIRYiluiSmall airport
AYZZZuebak AirstripPort Moresby FIRZuebakClosed
PG-0001Agali AirstripPort Moresby FIRSmall airport
PG-0002Agotu AirstripPort Moresby FIRAgotuSmall airport
PG-0003Akwom AirstripPort Moresby FIRSmall airport
PG-0004Ali AirstripPort Moresby FIRAliSmall airport
PG-0005Cape Rodney AirportCPNPort Moresby FIRCape RodneySmall airport
PG-0006Emirau AirportEMIPort Moresby FIREmirau IslandSmall airport
PG-0007Erave AirportEREPort Moresby FIREraveSmall airport
PG-0008Esa'ala AirportESAPort Moresby FIREsa'alaSmall airport
PG-0009Garaina AirportGARPort Moresby FIRGarainaSmall airport
PG-0010Gobe AirportPort Moresby FIRGobeSmall airport
PG-0011Gonaili AirportGOEPort Moresby FIRGonailiSmall airport
PG-0012Ambua AirstripPort Moresby FIRAmbua Lodge - TariSmall airport
PG-0013Ambaluwa AirstripPort Moresby FIRAmbuluaSmall airport
PG-0014Anangalo AirstripPort Moresby FIRSmall airport
PG-0015Ande AirstripPort Moresby FIRSindeniSmall airport
PG-0016Arufi AirstripPort Moresby FIRArufiSmall airport
PG-0017Asama AirstripPort Moresby FIRSmall airport
PG-0018Asimba AirstripPort Moresby FIRAsimbaSmall airport
PG-0019Assengseng AirstripPort Moresby FIRAssengsengSmall airport
PG-0020Bapi AirstripBPDPort Moresby FIRBapiSmall airport
PG-0021Benaria AirstripPort Moresby FIRTamide MissionSmall airport
PG-0022Biangabip AirportBPKPort Moresby FIRBiangabipSmall airport
PG-0023Bili AirstripPort Moresby FIRBiliSmall airport
PG-0024Wobagen AirstripPort Moresby FIRSmall airport
PG-0025Bisorio AirstripPort Moresby FIRSmall airport
PG-0026Boikoa AirstripPort Moresby FIRBoikoaSmall airport
PG-0027Bosavi AirstripPort Moresby FIRLudesa MissionSmall airport
PG-0028Boure AirstripPort Moresby FIRBoureSmall airport
PG-0029Jangit AirstripPort Moresby FIRSmall airport
PG-0030Junkaral AirstripPort Moresby FIRJunkaralSmall airport
PG-0031Kabori AirstripPort Moresby FIRKaboriSmall airport
PG-0032Dahamo AirstripPort Moresby FIRDahamo VillageSmall airport
PG-0033Lumusa AirstripPort Moresby FIRLumusaSmall airport
PG-0034Malamaunda AirstripPort Moresby FIRSmall airport
PG-0035(Duplicate)Nowata AirportAccra FIRSmall airport
PG-0036Pasinkap AirstripPort Moresby FIRPasinkapSmall airport
PG-0037Purari AirstripPort Moresby FIRSmall airport
PG-0038Sengapi AirstripSGKPort Moresby FIRSengapiSmall airport
PG-0039Kafa AirstripPort Moresby FIRKafaSmall airport
PG-0040Kaibo AirstripPort Moresby FIRSmall airport
PG-0041Kairik AirstripPort Moresby FIRPorgera MineSmall airport
PG-0042Gubil AirstripPort Moresby FIRBufripmin/UsareiminSmall airport
PG-0043Gubam AirstripPort Moresby FIRGubamSmall airport
Showing 251-300 of 547 items.