Udine-Campoformido Air Base

LIPD · Friuli Venezia Giulia, Italy

About Udine-Campoformido Air Base

FIR Milano FIR
Region Friuli Venezia Giulia
Country Italy
Runways 4/22
Type Small airport
Coordinates (ARP) 46.0322, 13.1868   460156N 0131112E
Coordinates (Center) 46.03107, 13.18282   460152N 0131058E
Variation 4.5° E (2025)
Timezone Rome (+1 h)
Local time Jan 13, 2025 14:54


ID True Heading Magnetic Heading Length Width Surface Latitude Longitude
4 038° 033° 730 m 40 m Grass 46.0337 13.1858
22 218° 213° 46.0285 13.1799

Do not use for flight planning
The airport may be closed or require prior permission. True headings and the coordinates of runway ends may be an estimation. Magnetic headings are calculated from true headings using the WMM 2020 model.

Udine-Campoformido Air Base

Udine-Campoformido Air Base is a small airport in Friuli Venezia Giulia, Italy. The airport is located at latitude 46.03107 and longitude 13.18282. The airport has one runway: 4/22. The ICAO airport code of this field is LIPD. The airport's IATA code is UDN. Nearby other airfields are Aviosuperficie AS77, Aviosuperficie Chiasiellis, Fly Evolution Flying Field, Rivolto Air Base and Campo di Volo Always.

Udine-Campoformido Air Base does not publish a METAR, the nearest weather station is Rivolto Air Base, which is 12 km away. The flight information region (FIR) is Milano.

Udine-Campoformido Air Base is in the timezone of Europe/Rome. Difference with UTC is +1 h. Today the sun rises at 07:46 and sets at 16:45. This applies to Udine-Campoformido Air Base, the universal daylight period may be different. The difference between the local time and UTC is +1 hour. Currently, there is no daylight saving time in effect.

Things to do at this airport

Go to Vliegles.nl to find flying lessons, skydives and other flying experiences. Browse the page for all available activities near Udine-Campoformido Air Base. You can also use the search function to find specific flying lessons, skydives or other flying experiences near your place.

On this airport you can find flying schools and skydive centers. Companies on this airport are Aero Club Friulano and UPnGO Centro Paracadutismo F.v.g. - UDINE -.


Flying schools

Skydive centers

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Nearby airports

Airport ID Distance Direction
Aviosuperficie AS77 IT-0302 7.9 km 167°
Flysynthesis IT-0807 8.0 km 149°
Aviosuperficie Chiasiellis IT-0405 9.7 km 168°
Fly Evolution Flying Field IT-0407 11 km 119°
Rivolto Air Base LIPI 12 km 240°
Campo di Volo Always IT-0403 14 km 032°
Aviosuperficie "San Mauro" IT-0372 15 km 073°
Campo di Volo "Al Ranch" IT-0402 17 km 223°
Ultralight Friuli Airfield IT-0173 18 km 128°

Navigational aids

Name Ident Type Distance Direction
Rivolto RIV TACAN 8.3 km 241°
Ronchi RON NDB 26 km 148°
Ronchi RCH VOR-DME 32 km 134°
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