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Aeronautical Information Publications

List of references to electronic aeronautical information publications per country.

Country AIP
Albania AIP Albania, Albcontrol
Argentina AIP Argentina, Administración Nacional de Aviación Civil
Armenia eAIP Armenia
Aruba AIP Dutch Caribbean, Dutch Caribbean ANSP
Australia AIP Australia, Airservices
Austria Digital AIP Austria, Austro Control
Belgium AIP Belgium and Luxembourg, Skeyes
Bermuda AIP Bermuda, Bermuda Airport Authority
Bosnia and Herzegovina eAIP BiH
Brazil AISWEB, Departamento de Controle do Espaço Aéreo
Canada AIP Canada*, NAV Canada
China AIS China, Aeronautical Information Services Center
Colombia AIP Colombia, Aeronáutica Civil de Colombia
Croatia eAIP Croatia, Croatia Control
Curaçao AIP Dutch Caribbean, Dutch Caribbean ANSP
Czechia AIP Czech Republic, Air Navigation Services of the CR
Denmark AIP Danmark, Naviair
Ecuador AIP Ecuador, Dirección General de Aviación Civil
Faroe Islands AIP Færøerne, Naviair
Finland AIP Suomi/Finland, Fintraffic
France Atlas VAC France, Service de l'Information Aéronautique (SIA)
Germany AIP Germany (Civil), DFS
Germany MilAIS (Military), Zentrum Luftoperationen
Greece AIP Greece, Hellenic Air Navigation Service Provider
Greenland AIP Grønland, Naviair
Hungary AIP Hungary,
Iceland Icelandic AIP, Isavia
India AIM India, Airports Authority of India
Ireland AIP Ireland, Irish Aviation Authority
Italy AIP Italy*, ENAV
Luxembourg AIP Belgium and Luxembourg, Skeyes
Nepal AIP Nepal, CAAN
Netherlands AIP Netherlands (Civil), Luchtverkeersleiding Nederland
Netherlands MilAIP (Military), Ministerie van Defensie
Netherlands AIP Dutch Caribbean, Dutch Caribbean ANSP
Norway eAIP Norge, Avinor
Peru AIP Peru, Corpac
Philippines AIP Philippines, Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines
Poland AIP Poland, Polska Agencja Żeglugi Powietrznej
Portugal AIP Portugal*, NAV Portugal
Romania AIS Romania, Romatsa
Serbia AIP Serbia, SMATSA
Sint Maarten AIP Dutch Caribbean, Dutch Caribbean ANSP
South Africa AIP South Africa, South African Aviation Authority
Spain AIP Spain, Enaire
Suriname AIP Suriname, CADSUR
Sweden IAIP Sweden, LFV
Thailand AIP Thailand, CAAT
Türkiye AIP Türkiye, DHMI
United Kingdom AIP U.K. (Civil), NATS
United Kingdom AIP U.K. (Military), Royal Air Force
United States Airport Data and Information Portal, Federal Aviation FAA
Uruguay AIP Uruguay, DINACIA

* Login required

This list may not be complete or accurate. If you miss a link or a link doesn't work, please contact us.

What is an Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP)?

An Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP) is a document that provides essential information for air navigation in a specific country or region. The AIP is published by the national aviation authority or agency of that country, and it contains a wide range of information that is relevant to pilots, air traffic controllers, and other aviation professionals. The AIP is a comprehensive document that includes information such as:

  • Airport and aerodrome information, including runway characteristics, lighting, and other facilities
  • Navigation aids and procedures, such as radio beacons, GPS waypoints, and instrument landing systems
  • Airspace classifications and restrictions, including information on prohibited, restricted, and danger areas
  • Air traffic control procedures, including communication and clearance procedures
  • Rules and regulations related to flight operations, such as flight plans, airworthiness, and licensing requirements

The AIP is an important tool for ensuring safe and efficient air navigation, and it is typically updated regularly to reflect changes in airspace, procedures, and regulations.