Aviosuperficie Aerotre

IT-0122 · Apulia, Italy

About Aviosuperficie Aerotre

ID IT-0122
FIR Brindisi FIR
Region Apulia
Country Italy
Runways 18/36
Type Small airport
Coordinates (ARP) 40.44972, 17.62378   402659N 0173726E
Variation 4.7° E (2025)
Timezone Rome (+1 h)
Local time Jan 18, 2025 09:52

Aviosuperficie Aerotre

Aviosuperficie Aerotre is a small airport in Apulia, Italy. The airport is located at latitude 40.44972 and longitude 17.62378. The airport has one runway: 18/36. This airport has no ICAO code, we use IT-0122 as reference. Nearby other airfields are Campo di Volo AliPuglia, Taranto-Grottaglie "Marcello Arlotta" Airport, Aviosuperficie S.Chiara, Monticchio Airfield and Esperti Airfield.

Aviosuperficie Aerotre does not publish a METAR, the nearest weather station is Taranto-Grottaglie "Marcello Arlotta" Airport, which is 20 km away. The flight information region (FIR) is Brindisi.

Aviosuperficie Aerotre is in the timezone of Europe/Rome. Difference with UTC is +1 h. Today the sun rises at 07:09 and sets at 16:50. This applies to Aviosuperficie Aerotre, the universal daylight period may be different. The difference between the local time and UTC is +1 hour. Currently, there is no daylight saving time in effect.

Things to do at this airport

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Do not use for flight planning
The airport may be closed or require prior permission. True headings and the coordinates of runway ends may be an estimation. Magnetic headings are calculated from true headings using the WMM 2020 model.


ID True Heading Magnetic Heading Latitude Longitude Approx. length
18 184° 179° 40.448 17.6236 402 m
36 004° 359° 40.4516 17.624

Do not use for flight planning.
True headings and the coordinates of runway ends may be an estimation. Runway lengths are calculated as the distance between the coordinates of the runway ends. Magnetic headings are calculated from true headings using the WMM 2020 model.

Nearby airports

Airport ID Distance Direction
Eliporto aereotre IT-0605 0.2 km 207°
Campo di Volo AliPuglia IT-0333 3.0 km 336°
Eliporto militare marina italiana IT-0603 20 km 291°
Taranto-Grottaglie "Marcello Arlotta" Airport LIBG 20 km 292°
Eliporto di Grottaglie IT-0602 21 km 292°
Aviosuperficie S.Chiara IT-0561 22 km 131°
Monticchio Airfield IT-0224 22 km 248°
Eliporto Sant'anna IT-0608 22 km 129°
Esperti Airfield IT-0239 22 km 081°

Navigational aids

Name Ident Type Distance Direction
Grottaglie GRT NDB 17 km 268°
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