Šiauliai International Airport

EYSA · Siauliai, Lithuania

About Šiauliai International Airport

FIR Vilnius FIR
Region Siauliai
Country Lithuania
Runways 14R/32L
Type Midsized airport
Coordinates (ARP) 55.8939, 23.395   555338N 0232342E
Coordinates (Center) 55.8929, 23.39383   555334N 0232338E
Variation 8.5° E (2024)
Timezone Vilnius (+2 h)
Local time Dec 12, 2024 04:35


ID True Heading Magnetic Heading Length Width Surface Latitude Longitude
14L 146° 137° 3,500 m 45 m Concrete 55.8808 23.4106
32R 326° 317° 55.9069 23.3794
14R 146° 137° 3,280 m 32 m Concrete 55.8797 23.4073
32L 326° 317° 55.9042 23.378

Do not use for flight planning
The airport may be closed or require prior permission. True headings and the coordinates of runway ends may be an estimation. Magnetic headings are calculated from true headings using the WMM 2020 model.

Šiauliai International Airport

Šiauliai International Airport is a midsized airport in Siauliai, Lithuania. The airport is located at latitude 55.89290 and longitude 23.39383. The airport has 2 runways: 14L/32R and 14R/32L. The ICAO airport code of this field is EYSA. The airport's IATA code is SQQ. Nearby other airfields are Aukštelkai Airfield, Barysiai Airfield, Šeduva Airfield, Pociūnai Airstrip and Kirkliai Airstrip.

Šiauliai International Airport publishes a METAR. The flight information region (FIR) is Vilnius.

Šiauliai International Airport is in the timezone of Europe/Vilnius. Difference with UTC is +2 h. Today the sun rises at 08:48 and sets at 15:52. This applies to Šiauliai International Airport, the universal daylight period may be different. The difference between the local time and UTC is +2 hour. Currently, there is no daylight saving time in effect.

Things to do at this airport

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Nearby airports

Airport ID Distance Direction
Aukštelkai Airfield LT-0022 15 km 102°
Barysiai Airfield EYSB 22 km 027°
Šeduva Airfield EYSE 30 km 122°
Pociūnai Airstrip LT-0024 49 km 132°
Kirkliai Airstrip LT-0016 50 km 274°
Akmenė Airfield EYNA 56 km 313°
Žeimelis Airstrip LT-0019 57 km 042°
Kalno aerodromas LT-0014 60 km 079°
Panevėžys Istra Airfield EYPI 61 km 096°

Navigational aids

Name Ident Type Distance Direction
Siauliai SQQ TACAN 0.6 km 117°
Siauliai SAU VOR-DME 2.1 km 137°
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