St. John's International Airport

CYYT · Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada

About St. John's International Airport

FIR Gander Oceanic FIR
Region Newfoundland and Labrador
Country Canada
Runways 16/34
Type Large airport
Coordinates (ARP) 47.6186, -52.7519   473707N 0524507W
Coordinates (Center) 47.62154, -52.7485   473718N 0524455W
Variation 16.8° W (2024)
Timezone St_Johns (-3 h 30 m)
Local time Sep 12, 2024 02:55


ID True Heading Magnetic Heading Length Width Surface Latitude Longitude
10 086° 102° 8,501 ft 200 ft Asphalt 47.6253 -52.7372
28 266° 282° 47.6236 -52.7716
16 139° 155° 7,005 ft 200 ft Asphalt 47.6114 -52.7333
34 319° 335° 47.6259 -52.7519

Do not use for flight planning
The airport may be closed or require prior permission. True headings and the coordinates of runway ends may be an estimation. Magnetic headings are calculated from true headings using the WMM 2020 model.

St. John's International Airport

St. John's International Airport is a large airport in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. The airport is located at latitude 47.62154 and longitude -52.74850. The airport has 2 runways: 10/28 and 16/34. The ICAO airport code of this field is CYYT. The airport's IATA code is YYT. Nearby other airfields are Bell Island Airport, Harbour Grace Airport, Argentia, Nfld, Cape Race, Nfld and Clarenville Airport.

St. John's International Airport publishes a METAR. The flight information region (FIR) is Gander Oceanic.

St. John's International Airport is in the timezone of America/St_Johns. Difference with UTC is -3 h 30 m. Today the sun rises at 06:35 and sets at 19:18. This applies to St. John's International Airport, the universal daylight period may be different. The difference between the local time and UTC is -3 hour 30 minutes. Daylight saving time is currently in progress.

Things to do at this airport

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Nearby airports

Airport ID Distance Direction
St. John's (Universal) Heliport CDC2 1.2 NM 132°
St John's Health Sciences Centre Heliport CCK2 2.9 NM 177°
St. John's West CDA CS, Nfld. CXSW 6.5 NM 192°
Bell Island Airport CCV4 9.4 NM 275°
St. John's (Paddys Pond) Seaplane Base CCQ5 11 NM 211°
Long Pond Heliport CCX2 11 NM 236°
Harbour Grace Airport CHG2 21 NM 280°
Holyrood Radar CWTP 25 NM 225°
Grates Cove CWVW 34 NM 347°

Navigational aids

Name Ident Type Distance Direction
St.John's UYT TACAN 0.3 NM 002°
Outer Cove ZYT NDB 3.3 NM 083°
Torbay YT NDB 3.8 NM 320°
Signal Hill NL NDB 3.8 NM 138°
Wabana ZNF NDB 4.8 NM 268°
Torbay YYT VOR-DME 9.2 NM 207°
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