Vadodara Airport

VABO · Gujarat, India

The METAR station used is 125 km away from the airport
Wind direction of Wind direction 270° Vadodara Airport 4/22
Wind: 12 kt, 4 beaufort

8 kt

9 kt
0 ft 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000
Cloud Cloud Cloud Cloud
SCT 2,500
METAR VABV 120600Z 27012KT 6000 SCT025 30/23 Q1006 NOSIG

METAR Vadodara Airport - VABO/BDQ

Vadodara Airport is a midsized airport in Gujarat, India. The airport is located at latitude 22.33620 and longitude 73.22630. The airport has one runway: 4/22. The ICAO airport code of this field is VABO. The airport's IATA code is BDQ. The airport is in the Mumbai FIR.

This aviation weather observation was made for Bhavnagar Airport on September 12, 2024 11:30, local time.

Airport observations

The wind is from direction 270° with a speed of 12 kt.

Visibility is 6 km.

There are scattered clouds at an altitude of 2,500 ft. No ceiling has been observed.

The temperature and wind chill are 30 °C. The heat index is 34. The dew point is 23 °C, the relative humidity is 66%. The air pressure at sea level is 1006 hPa (QNH).

Daylight period

Today the sun rises at 06:23 and sets at 18:43. This applies to Vadodara Airport, the universal daylight period may be different. The difference between the local time and UTC is +5 hour 30 minutes. Daylight saving time is currently in progress.


We don't have information about companies on this airport.


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Id Heading Crosswind Headwind Crosswind %
4/22 044°-224° 9 kt 8 kt 72 %

The direction with the greatest headwind component is highlighted and used for crosswind calculation. This does not necessarily mean this direction is in use.


2,500 ft SCT Scattered clouds

Temperature & Weather

Temperature 30 °C
Dewpoint 23 °C
Rel. humidity 66%
Heat index 34 °C
Kp-index 4 (0-9)

Daylight period

18:47 (4:50h)


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