Metar & Taf

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Airport rankings in Türkiye

All airports in Türkiye ranked by VFR conditions, average daily temperatures (minimum/maximum), average wind speed, observations with precipitation. Only observations between sunrise and sunset are taken into account. This data is calculated from the METAR observations in this year.

#ICAONameVFRMin. TemperatureMax. TemperatureWind speedRainSnow
51LTCGTrabzon International Airport77.2%13.7 °C18.5 °C6 kt10.1%2.2%
52LTAUKayseri Erkilet Airport87.8%4.4 °C18.5 °C5 kt3.5%3.8%
53LTCBOrdu–Giresun Airport71.6%12.0 °C18.0 °C6 kt13.1%1.5%
54LTBYAnadolu Airport89.4%4.8 °C18.0 °C7 kt3.5%2.1%
55LTFMİstanbul Airport68.8%12.3 °C17.9 °C13 kt8.9%2.1%
56LTAVSivrihisar Airport96.3%9.6 °C17.9 °C6 kt2.9%0.7%
57LTANKonya Airport89.2%6.7 °C17.9 °C8 kt2.3%3.4%
58LTACEsenboğa International Airport93.0%5.0 °C17.7 °C7 kt3.1%1.5%
59LTCMSinop Airport83.4%12.6 °C17.7 °C8 kt8.2%1.1%
60LTCKMuş Airport76.9%4.7 °C17.3 °C4 kt3.8%5.0%
61LTCIVan Ferit Melen Airport93.3%5.0 °C15.4 °C6 kt3.5%3.1%
62LTCWHakkari Yüksekova Airport66.5%0.4 °C15.2 °C6 kt3.7%5.5%
63LTCOAğrı Airport75.4%5.7 °C14.4 °C6 kt2.3%5.5%
64LTCEErzurum International Airport84.3%-0.3 °C14.0 °C7 kt2.6%5.3%
65LTALKastamonu Airport75.4%8.5 °C13.9 °C6 kt4.6%5.9%
66LTCFKars Airport88.5%-0.8 °C13.1 °C7 kt2.2%4.1%
67LTARSivas Nuri Demirağ Airport77.6%1.7 °C12.6 °C9 kt4.4%6.3%
Showing 51-67 of 67 items.