Below you see METARs of the last few days. Select a year to browse through older METARs, from the year 2007 onwards.
February 9, 2025 |
Time | Code | Weather | Temp. | Visibility | Ceiling | Wind | METAR/SPECI | |
12:00 |
V |
3 °C | 10 km+ | 7,700 ft |
17 kt | METAR BIGR 091400Z 14017KT 9999 OVC077 03/M00 Q1022 |
11:00 |
V |
3 °C | 10 km+ | - |
13 kt | METAR BIGR 091300Z 13013KT CAVOK 03/M01 Q1023 |
10:00 |
V |
2 °C | 10 km+ | - |
14 kt | METAR BIGR 091200Z 14014KT 9999 FEW050 02/M01 Q1024 |
09:00 |
V |
2 °C | 10 km+ | 5,000 ft |
18 kt | METAR BIGR 091100Z 15018KT 9999 OVC050 02/M02 Q1024 |
February 7, 2025 |
Time | Code | Weather | Temp. | Visibility | Ceiling | Wind | METAR/SPECI | |
12:00 |
L |
0 °C | 5 km | 300 ft |
14 kt | METAR BIGR 071400Z 13014KT 5000 -SN BKN003 OVC021 00/00 Q1005 |
10:00 |
V |
2 °C | 10 km+ | - |
17 - 27 kt | METAR BIGR 071200Z 16017G27KT CAVOK 02/M02 Q1008 |
09:00 |
V |
2 °C | 10 km+ | - |
9 kt | METAR BIGR 071100Z 14009KT CAVOK 02/M02 Q1009 |
08:00 |
V |
2 °C | 10 km+ | - |
7 kt | METAR BIGR 071000Z 16007KT CAVOK 02/M03 Q1010 |
07:00 |
V |
2 °C | 10 km+ | - |
9 kt | METAR BIGR 070900Z 17009KT CAVOK 02/M03 Q1011 |
06:00 |
V |
2 °C | 10 km+ | - |
7 kt | METAR BIGR 070800Z 17007KT CAVOK 02/M04 Q1011 |
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