Metar & Taf

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Country code VU
Country code (3 digit) VUT
Continent Oceania
Airports 31
Size 12,339 km2

Airports in Vanuatu

Sorted by ICAO code or airport identifier, first all airports with a METAR

NVSCSola AirportSLHNadi East FIR
SolaSmall airport
NVSGLongana AirportLODNadi East FIR
LonganaSmall airport
NVSSSanto Pekoa International AirportSONNadi East FIR
LuganvilleMidsized airport
NVVAAneityum AirportAUYNadi East FIR
Anatom IslandSmall airport
NVVVBauerfield International AirportVLINadi East FIR
Port VilaLarge airport
NVVWTanna AirportTAHNadi East FIR
Midsized airport
NVSAMota Lava AirportMTVNadi East FIRAblowSmall airport
NVSDTorres AirstripTOHNadi East FIRLoh/LinuaSmall airport
NVSESiwo AirportEAENadi East FIREmae IslandSmall airport
NVSFCraig Cove AirportCCVNadi East FIRCraig CoveSmall airport
NVSHSara AirportSSRNadi East FIRPentecost IslandSmall airport
NVSITavie AirportPBJNadi East FIRPaama IslandSmall airport
NVSLLamap AirportLPMNadi East FIRLamapSmall airport
NVSMLamen Bay AirportLNBNadi East FIRLamen BaySmall airport
NVSNMaewo-Naone AirportMWFNadi East FIRMaewo IslandSmall airport
NVSOLonorore AirportLNENadi East FIRLonororeSmall airport
NVSPNorsup AirportNUSNadi East FIRNorsupSmall airport
NVSQGaua Island AirportZGUNadi East FIRGaua IslandMidsized airport
NVSRRedcliffe AirportRCLNadi East FIRRedcliffeSmall airport
NVSTTongoa AirportTGHNadi East FIRTongoa IslandSmall airport
NVSUUléi AirportULBNadi East FIRAmbryn IslandSmall airport
NVSVValesdir AirportVLSNadi East FIREpi IslandSmall airport
NVSWWalaha AirportWLHNadi East FIRWalahaSmall airport
NVSXSouthwest Bay AirportSWJNadi East FIRMalekula IslandSmall airport
NVSZNorth West Santo AirportOLJNadi East FIROlpoiSmall airport
NVVBAniwa AirportAWDNadi East FIRAniwaSmall airport
NVVDDillon's Bay AirportDLYNadi East FIRDillon's BaySmall airport
NVVFFutuna AirportFTANadi East FIRFutuna IslandSmall airport
NVVIIpota AirportIPANadi East FIRIpotaSmall airport
NVVJForari AirportNadi East FIRForariSmall airport
NVVKLenakel AirportNadi East FIRLenakelSmall airport
NVVQQuion Hill AirportNadi East FIRClosed
Showing 1-32 of 32 items.