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Country code NA
Country code (3 digit) NAM
Continent Africa
Flight Information Regions
Airports 331
Size 824,824 km2

Airports in Namibia

Sorted by ICAO code or airport identifier, first all airports with a METAR

FYSASkorpion Mine AirportRHNJohannesburg FIRRosh PinahSmall airport
FYSFSesfontein AirportWindhoek FIRSmall airport
FYSHSteinhausenWindhoek FIRSmall airport
FYSJSandfonteinJohannesburg FIRSmall airport
FYSLSossusvlei Mountain Lodge AirportWindhoek FIRSossusvlei Desert LodgeSmall airport
FYSMSwakopmund Municipal AerodromeSWPWindhoek FIRSwakopmundSmall airport
FYSNOsona AirstripWindhoek FIROsonaSmall airport
FYSOSolitaire AirportWindhoek FIRSolitaireSmall airport
FYSPStampriet Pan AirportWindhoek FIRStamprietSmall airport
FYSQEtosha Heights Safarihoek LodgeWindhoek FIRSmall airport
FYSSSesriem AirstripSZMWindhoek FIRSmall airport
FYSTStrate AirportWindhoek FIRSmall airport
FYSUSossusvlei LodgeWindhoek FIRSmall airport
FYTETerrace Bay AirportTCYWindhoek FIRTerrace BaySmall airport
FYTFTwyfelfonteinWindhoek FIRSmall airport
FYTKTsumkwe AirportWindhoek FIRTsumkweSmall airport
FYTLTalismanisWindhoek FIRSmall airport
FYTMTsumeb AirportTSBWindhoek FIRTsumebMidsized airport
FYTNOtjineneWindhoek FIRUnknown
FYTPTsauchab River CampWindhoek FIRSmall airport
FYTRTwee RivierenWindhoek FIRSmall airport
FYTUOtjitambiWindhoek FIRSmall airport
FYTWOtjiwaWindhoek FIRSmall airport
FYULKlein AubWindhoek FIRSmall airport
FYUSUis Mine AirportWindhoek FIRUis MineSmall airport
FYVFVeronicaWindhoek FIRSmall airport
FYVLVingerklipWindhoek FIRSmall airport
FYWDWolwedans AirportWindhoek FIRSmall airport
FYWGWeltevrede Guest FarmWindhoek FIRSmall airport
FYWIWitvlei AirportWindhoek FIRWitvleiSmall airport
FYWLWabi LodgeWindhoek FIRSmall airport
FYWMWarmbadJohannesburg FIRSmall airport
FYWNWaterberg WildernessWindhoek FIRSmall airport
FYWOWoltemadeWindhoek FIRSmall airport
FYWRWerelds EndWindhoek FIRSmall airport
FYWTWitwaterWindhoek FIRSmall airport
FYWWWindhoek, Town METWindhoek FIRUnknown
FYXXCanon Lodge AirportJohannesburg FIRSmall airport
FYZRZebra River LodgeWindhoek FIRSmall airport
NA-0001Afro Venture AirportWindhoek FIRSmall airport
NA-0002Aminuis Pan Landing SiteWindhoek FIRAminuisSmall airport
NA-0004Aranos AirportWindhoek FIRAranosSmall airport
NA-0005Aranos Pan Landing SiteWindhoek FIRAranosSmall airport
NA-0008Bitterwasser N. Sta AirportWindhoek FIRClosed
NA-0009Bitterwasser North AirportWindhoek FIRClosed
NA-0012Bagani AirportBQIGaborone FIRBaganiSmall airport
NA-0013Derm East Pan Landing SiteWindhoek FIRDermSmall airport
NA-0015Eirup Landing SiteWindhoek FIREirupSmall airport
NA-0016Eureka Farm AirportWindhoek FIRSmall airport
NA-0017Georgia Peter Schomarz Landing SiteWindhoek FIRSmall airport
Showing 151-200 of 337 items.