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Country code NA
Country code (3 digit) NAM
Continent Africa
Flight Information Regions
Airports 331
Size 824,824 km2

Airports in Namibia

Sorted by ICAO code or airport identifier, first all airports with a METAR

FYGCGochas AirstripWindhoek FIRGochasSmall airport
FYGEGrand View LodgeJohannesburg FIRSmall airport
FYGGOnguma Plains LodgeWindhoek FIRSmall airport
FYGHGoellschauWindhoek FIRSmall airport
FYGIGibeonWindhoek FIRSmall airport
FYGKFarm Whitwater East Landing StripWindhoek FIRDesert HomesteadSmall airport
FYGLOmaruru Game Lodge AirportWindhoek FIROmaruruSmall airport
FYGMGamisWindhoek FIRSmall airport
FYGNHenties BayWindhoek FIRUnknown
FYGOGobabeb AirportWindhoek FIRSmall airport
FYGUKhaudum Game ReserveWindhoek FIRSmall airport
FYGVGravenstein Prv AirportWindhoek FIRSmall airport
FYHAHarnasWindhoek FIRSmall airport
FYHBHohensteinWindhoek FIRSmall airport
FYHDHoodia RanchWindhoek FIRSmall airport
FYHHHelmeringhausen AirportWindhoek FIRHelmeringhausenSmall airport
FYHIHalali AirportHALWindhoek FIRHalaliSmall airport
FYHLHuab LodgeWindhoek FIRSmall airport
FYHMHammersteinWindhoek FIRSmall airport
FYHNHenties Bay AirportWindhoek FIRSmall airport
FYHOHoanib AirstripWindhoek FIRSmall airport
FYHPOkahirongo ElephantWindhoek FIRSmall airport
FYHSHobas AirportJohannesburg FIRHobasSmall airport
FYHTHobatereWindhoek FIRSmall airport
FYHVHartmann Valley AirstripWindhoek FIRSmall airport
FYIAIntu Africa Pan AirportWindhoek FIRSmall airport
FYICOkahirongo River CampWindhoek FIRSmall airport
FYIIImpalila IslandGaborone FIRSmall airport
FYIMImmelmannGaborone FIRSmall airport
FYITOkarumutiWindhoek FIRSmall airport
FYJOOtjovazanduWindhoek FIRSmall airport
FYJUOtjikaruWindhoek FIRSmall airport
FYKAKaribib AirportWindhoek FIRKaribibSmall airport
FYKBKarasburg AirportKASJohannesburg FIRKarasburgSmall airport
FYKEKalahari Game Lodge AirportWindhoek FIRSmall airport
FYKFKatiti S PlaceWindhoek FIRSmall airport
FYKGOkongoWindhoek FIRSmall airport
FYKHKiripotibWindhoek FIRSmall airport
FYKJKamanjab AirportWindhoek FIRKamanjabSmall airport
FYKMKatima Mulilo AirportMPAGaborone FIRMpachaSmall airport
FYKNOkonjima AirportWindhoek FIRSmall airport
FYKQKatiti OhorongoWindhoek FIRSmall airport
FYKROkorusu MineWindhoek FIRSmall airport
FYKSKoesWindhoek FIRSmall airport
FYKVKavita Lion LodgeWindhoek FIRSmall airport
FYKWOkangwatiWindhoek FIRSmall airport
FYLALake Oanob ResortWindhoek FIRSmall airport
FYLRLa RochelleWindhoek FIRSmall airport
FYLSLianshulu AirportLHUGaborone FIRLianshulu LodgeSmall airport
FYLVLeonardvilleWindhoek FIRSmall airport
Showing 51-100 of 337 items.