Metar & Taf

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Country code LR
Country code (3 digit) LBR
Continent Africa
Flight Information Regions
Airports 19
Size 95,710 km2

Airports in Liberia

Sorted by ICAO code or airport identifier, first all airports with a METAR

GLRBRoberts International AirportROBRoberts FIR
MonroviaLarge airport
GLBUBuchanan AirportUCNRoberts FIRBuchananSmall airport
GLCPCape Palmas AirportCPARoberts FIRHarperSmall airport
GLGEGreenville/Sinoe AirportSNIRoberts FIRGreenvilleSmall airport
GLLBLamco AirportRoberts FIRBuchananSmall airport
GLMRSpriggs Payne AirportMLWRoberts FIRMonroviaMidsized airport
GLNANimba AirportNIARoberts FIRNimbaSmall airport
GLSTSasstown AirportSAZRoberts FIRSasstownSmall airport
GLTNTchien AirportTHCRoberts FIRTchienSmall airport
LR-0001Butaw AirportRoberts FIRSmall airport
LR-0002United Methodist Mission AirfieldRoberts FIRSmall airport
BYLBella Yella AirportBYLRoberts FIRBeliyelaSmall airport
FOYFoya AirportFOYRoberts FIRFoyaSmall airport
GRCGrand Cess AirportGRCRoberts FIRGrand CessSmall airport
RVCRiver Cess Airport/HeliportRVCRoberts FIRRiver CessSmall airport
TPTTapeta AirportTPTRoberts FIRTapetaSmall airport
LR-0011Voinjama AirportVOIRoberts FIRVoinjamaSmall airport
GLCMRobertsport/Cape Mount AirportRoberts FIRRobertsportClosed
GLVAVoinjama AirportRoberts FIRVoinjamaSmall airport
LR-0003Gozohn Camp AirportRoberts FIRSmall airport
LR-0004Gbarnga AirfieldRoberts FIRSmall airport
LR-0012Buchanan AirportRoberts FIRClosed
Showing 1-22 of 22 items.