Metar & Taf

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Country code GN
Country code (3 digit) GIN
Continent Africa
Airports 19
Size 245,290 km2

Airports in Guinea

Sorted by ICAO code or airport identifier, first all airports with a METAR

GN-0001Kiniéro AirportRoberts FIRKiniéroSmall airport
GN-0003Kankan AirportKNNRoberts FIRKankanSmall airport
GN-0004Macenta AirportMCARoberts FIRMacentaSmall airport
GUBEBeyla AirportRoberts FIRBeylaSmall airport
GUCYConakry International AirportCKYRoberts FIRConakryMidsized airport
GUFAFria AirportFIGRoberts FIRFriaSmall airport
GUFHFaranah AirportFAARoberts FIRFaranahSmall airport
GUGOGbenko AirportRoberts FIRBanankoroSmall airport
GUIDKindiaRoberts FIRUnknown
GUKRKawass AirportRoberts FIRPort KamsarSmall airport
GUKUKissidougou AirportKSIRoberts FIRKissidougouSmall airport
GULBTata AirportLEKRoberts FIRLabéSmall airport
GUNZNzérékoré AirportNZERoberts FIRNzérékoréSmall airport
GUOKBoké Baralande AirportBKJRoberts FIRBokéSmall airport
GUSASangarédi AirportRoberts FIRSangarédiSmall airport
GUSBSambailo AirportSBIRoberts FIRKoundaraSmall airport
GUSISiguiri AirportGIIRoberts FIRSiguiriSmall airport
GUXDKankanRoberts FIRUnknown
GN-0002Île Tamara HeliportRoberts FIRHeliport
GUMAMacenta AirportRoberts FIRMacentaSmall airport
GUXNKankan AirportRoberts FIRKankanSmall airport
Showing 1-21 of 21 items.