Lille-Lesquin Airport

LFQQ · North, Hauts-de-France, France

About Lille-Lesquin Airport

Region Hauts-de-France
Country France
Runways 1/19
Type Midsized airport
Coordinates (ARP) 50.56333, 3.08689   503348N 0030513E
Coordinates (Center) 50.56633, 3.09546   503359N 0030544E
Variation 2.1° E (2025)
Timezone Paris (+1 h)
Local time Jan 24, 2025 19:04


ID True Heading Magnetic Heading Length Width Surface Latitude Longitude
8 077° 074° 2,825 m 45 m Asphalt 50.5685 3.1222
26 257° 254° 50.5629 3.083
1 015° 012° 1,580 m 30 m Asphalt 50.5738 3.0911
19 195° 192° 50.5601 3.0855

Do not use for flight planning
The airport may be closed or require prior permission. True headings and the coordinates of runway ends may be an estimation. Magnetic headings are calculated from true headings using the WMM 2020 model.

Lille-Lesquin Airport

Lille-Lesquin Airport is a midsized airport in North, Hauts-de-France, France. The airport is located at latitude 50.56633 and longitude 3.09546. The airport has 2 runways: 8/26 and 1/19. The ICAO airport code of this field is LFQQ. The airport's IATA code is LIL. Nearby other airfields are Lille/Marcq-en-Baroeul Airfield, Lens Benifontaine Airfield, Vitry en Artois Airfield, Wevelgem Airport and Moorsele Airfield.

Lille-Lesquin Airport publishes a METAR. The flight information region (FIR) is Paris.

Lille-Lesquin Airport is in the timezone of Europe/Paris. Difference with UTC is +1 h. Today the sun rises at 08:32 and sets at 17:26. This applies to Lille-Lesquin Airport, the universal daylight period may be different. The difference between the local time and UTC is +1 hour. Currently, there is no daylight saving time in effect.

Things to do at this airport

Go to to find flying lessons, skydives and other flying experiences. Browse the page for all available activities near Lille-Lesquin Airport. You can also use the search function to find specific flying lessons, skydives or other flying experiences near your place.

On this airport you can find flying clubs. The only known company on this field is Club Aérien Lille Métropole.


Flying clubs

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Nearby airports

Airport ID Distance Direction
Centre Hospitalier Régional Heliport FR-0129 6.0 km 314°
Lille/Marcq-en-Baroeul Airfield LFQO 14 km 353°
Herlies FR-0771 18 km 276°
Lens Benifontaine Airfield LFQL 22 km 240°
Usine Renault Heliport FR-0133 23 km 190°
Warcoing heliport EBPW 24 km 043°
Bois Bernard FR-0598 25 km 211°
Polyclinique Heliport FR-0132 25 km 211°
Douai Centre Hospitalier FR-0708 25 km 179°

Navigational aids

Name Ident Type Distance Direction
Lesquin LEQ VOR-DME 0.7 km 221°
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